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i am visitor

Live with intent

This project is about living like a visitor

If we are lucky, each of us will live on this big, blue planet for 100 years - a mere blip in (geologic time). Yet, most of us live as though there is no end in sight, as though tomorrow is guaranteed. We get carried away with our daily lives, and all the worldly distractions. Consequently, we lose site of the fact that our lives on earth are temporary, and that we are all just visitors!

This is more than interesting trivia, this is the biggest and most important concept we'll face while living here on earth. This level of thinking really puts our existence in perspective. Ultimately, it forces us to asses our lives, and ask the question, what's the purpose of my life?

I have found that the best way to discover, and then fulfill, the purpose of your life, is it to live like a visitor. In other words, adopting the mindset that you don't plan on staying, you are here just visiting. To live like there is a start and an end to your visit, and that you are here for some specific purpose. Adopting the 'visitor' mindset is guaranteed to change your life.

The 'I am Visitor' philosophy is centered on the practice of living a meaningful and fulfilling life, while acknowledging the underlying fact that life on earth is temporary. The philosophy is based on five simple principles.

Live to the Fullest

Love and Friendship

Do Good

Tread Lightly

Stay Focused